Contact Us

4534335 Orig
Annunciation   Stockton

425 West Magnolia Street
Stockton, CA 95203-2412
209-463-1305 (Tel)
209-463-0807 (Fax)
E-mail Office

400 West Rose Street
Stockton, CA 95203

1110 North Lincoln Street
Stockton, CA 95203
209-444-4000 (Tel)
209-444-4013 (Fax)
Annunciation School Website

440 West Rose Street
Stockton, CA 95203
209-465-2961 (Tel)
209-463-0807 (Fax)
[email protected]

Priests and Deacons

The Reverend Cesar Martinez, Parochial Administrator
Rev. Joseph Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]

Deacon Richard Braun, Director of Operations

Deacon Martin Baeza

Deacon Armando Moreno

Deacon Mike Wofford

Cota Logo

Parish House Office Hours


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Closed for lunch

Mass Times

Daily Mass / Misas Diarias:

8:00 AM-English

Saturday / Sábado

5:30 PM (English)

7:00 PM (Español)


Sunday / Domingo

7:00 AM (English)

9:00 AM (English)

11:00 AM (English)

1:00 PM (Español)


Confessions / Confesiones

Wednesday / Miércoles ~ 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Saturday / Sábado ~ 8:30 to 9:30 AM