
Please Consider Giving


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Please help us to continue to grow the good around us; consider making a financial contribution to our parish.

Pope Francis

Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others. There are many people who spend their lives in this way, in the service of others. … When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love! And with the washing of the feet the Lord teaches us to be servants, and above all, servants as He was a servant to us, for every one of us.

- Jubilee audience, March 12, 2016

Good, as Pope Francis says, is growing here at Annunciation, in Stockton, and in our nation.

How?  Francis goes on:  “We should not think that happiness will happen only when everything is in place and ‘correct’ in our lives.” 

We don’t need to wait for a better stock market, more police officers, an end to war, or more rain; the ‘good around us’ is growing larger because we have encountered Christ and He is doing His work through us right now.  That is why there is a reason for great joy in our community despite the stubborn challenges we face here in our parish, our city, and our world. 

One important way we continue to ‘grow the good’ is by sharing our financial gifts.  Your sharing will help us to:

  • Reach out to the poor and those in need through our expanding Social Justice Ministry.

  • Continue to form and welcome children, teens, and adults to our faith
  • Continue to address serious and growing facilities and maintenance needs in and around the church.

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Cathedral of the Annunciation Parish Goal 2025 is $90,993.

Thank you to all who participated in the BMA commitment weekend!

We are currently at $40,100 with only 124 families participating!
 Bishop's Ministry Appeal ~ Click to contribute today

Thank you for your support!

Meta de la Catedral de la Anunciación 2025: $90,993.

¡Gracias a todos los que participaron en el fin de semana de compromiso del BMA!

¡Actualmente estamos en $41,100 con solo 124 familias participando!

Solicitud Ministerial del Obispo ~ Oprima aquí para contribuir hoy

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

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