Cathedral of the Annunciation Parish Goal 2025 is $90,993.
Thank you to all who participated in the BMA commitment weekend!
We are currently at $34,480 with only 92 families participating!
Bishop's Ministry Appeal ~ Click to contribute today
Thank you for your support!
Meta de la Catedral de la Anunciación 2025: $90,993.
¡Gracias a todos los que participaron en el fin de semana de compromiso del BMA!
¡Actualmente estamos en $34,480 con solo 92 familias participando!
Solicitud Ministerial del Obispo ~ Oprima aquí para contribuir hoy
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Bishop’s Ministry Appeal ~ Solicitud Minesterial del Obispo 2024
Diocesan Goal: $2,600,000
It is because of benefactors like you, through the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal, that we are able to continue the ministries of the Diocese in educating and forming our children in the faith, caring for the needs of the poor, developing Hispanic leaders, educating our seminarians, promoting youth and young adult ministries, training deacons, supporting the Bishop in carrying out his duties, and all other ministry and good works supported by the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal. Thank you for supporting the Diocese of Stockton and its ministries.
Bishop Cotta BMA Message
Mensaje del Obispo Cotta
BMA Update ~ First Raffle Update
On, Sunday, June 23, Brett Pamiroyan, the first 2024 BMA raffle winner celebrated a private wine tasting at GoodMills Winery!
Many thanks to Lauri and Brad Mills at GoodMills Winery for hosting such a fun and lovely day for our raffle winner and his five guests!
Our next goal is for any family who has not yet made a pledge or donation, to do so by July 31st to be entered for the next raffle.
The next raffle prize is a guided fishing trip for two on beautiful Lake Tahoe with Captain Mike Nielsen of Tahoe Topliners. Remember: you only need to make your pledge by July 31 and you have until the end of October to pay it in full, in order to be entered into the drawing!
As of June 26, our parish has raised $60,290 with only 174 families participating. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make a pledge or one-time gift today. Thank you for your generosity!
The winner of our first BMA raffle prize, Brett Pamiroyan, with BMA chairs, Loretta and John Baker at GoodMills Winery in Lockeford.
Deacon Armando and wife Lori with John and Loretta Baker, co-sponsors of the Wine Tasting at GoodMills Winery.